Garden Blog

Day 5: We Growth Outside!!

Our greenhouse exploded overnight! So many new plants indoors and we finally have some sprouts outside: lettuce and beets.


MaddChimp's Organic Garden

Plant NamePlant Code# Live Sprouts# Dead Sprouts% Success
Black Beauty ZucchiniZUC000
Brandywine TomatoBWT66100%
Butterhead LettuceLET60100%
Cherokee Purple TomatoCPT2433.3%
Cherry Belle RadishRAD5183%
Crimson Sweet WatermelonWAT3537.5%
Gourmet Blend BeetBEE60100%
Honeydew MelonHDM3537.5%
Pequin PepperPEQ000
San Marzano TomatoSMT2433.3%
Scarlet Nantes CarrotCAR000
Sugar Daddy Snap PeaPEA3350%
Sugar Pie PumpkinSPP40100%
Sweet Meat Winter SquashWSM000
Yellow Pear TomatoYPT5183.3%


Day 4: More Growth!!!

Beets and honeydew have started sprouting! We’re so excited :)

Day 3

We have growth!!!! Two vegetables have sprouted in our green house :)


Day 2

Still no change…

Day 1

I’m going to try to post a pic of our “garden” every day so come back every day. I’m also going to keep a table of what’s growing and what isn’t, once we get our first sprout :) So excited!!



11 thoughts on “Garden Blog

  1. This garden looks really professional. I know it took some time to complete that table of vegetables!!! Good job. The pic of Maddie at the top is darling.
    I hope Getty will keep all kinds of pests away. I understand planting mint keeps raccoons away?
    Go Garden!!!!!!

    • There’s six pods total. Four have sprouted and two have not. I’m assuming the two are dead until we see growth. I’m calling them “dead” because their siblings are out. You have to wonder if perhaps there’s a reason the two haven’t sprouted. I know, it’s weird reasoning but that’s how I’m doing it.

  2. Boy that is fast and it hasn’t been warm. Sunday should be 80. Watch out they will all pop out.
    I love OCD. Nothing like it!!!

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